MKR Equestrian - Designed the logo based on a photograph. Produced branded clothing for competition and promotional exposure at events.

Desires Not Even Our Own - Re-created a vector art logo from a bitmap image for printed materials. Original logo created by Faith Johnson and Samantha Fields.

Wheelworks Branding - The evolution and development of Wheelworks logo. The original logo was classic and simple. I developed the graphic to have a modern feel and more heft, as well as making the handlebar O a recognizable symbol of Wheelworks and New England Cycling.

Wheelworks Racing - Designed racing clothing & event materials for sponsored team. Cycling clothing is traditionally flashy to be seen on the road and in the peloton. The Wheelworks team wanted a look that had visibility with a toned down color palette to match the corporate aesthetic.

Wheelworks Van - Designed a wrap for the corporate van to be visible at events and on the street! Many people commented seeing the Wheelworks Van around town gave them a smile.

Direct Mail for Wheelworks - SuperSale and SummerSale. Over the years I designed many direct mail pieces for these annual events - customers told us they looked for these pieces in the mail every spring and summer! The designs were created to make people want to go out for a bike ride.

New England Dressage Association - created banners and ads.

Chameleon Coating Hospitality - Designed print materials to promote furniture restoration for hotels/motels.

Print Production - Worked for a print shop running a large format flatbed printer. This is some of the work I produced (not designed). Much of the work was for the film industry - making set backgrounds.